We have a plan that fits your lifestyle
and schedule.
Key Card: $26 or Key Fob: $35
Military-Student-Seniors-First Responders
7% Discount Off Of Membership
Single Membership
Month: $47.60
Autopay: $44.00
3 Month Prepay: $125.00
6 Month Prepay: $251.00
1 Year Pre-Pay: $485.00

Couple Membership
Month: $85.40
Autopay: $80.00
1 Year Pre-Pay: $953.00
Family Membership
3 Member
3 Members Month: $134.00
Autopay: $125.00
1 Year Pre-Pay: $1430.00
4 Member
​4 Members Month: $170.00
Autopay: $161.00
1 Year Pre-Pay: $1880.00
Personal Training
5 Sessions: $200
10 Sessions: $350
15 Sessions: $450
20 Sessions: $500
Group Training
(Healthy Body Makeover)
4 Sessions Per Month: $39.95
6 Sessions Per Month: $44.95
8 Sessions Per Month: $49.95
10 Sessions Per Month: $54.95
12 Sessions Per Month: $59.95
Gym Punch Cards
Purchase A Day Pass
1 Day Pass: $10.00
6 Day Pass: $44.00
12 Day Pass: $71.00
Tanning Punch Cards
​1 Tanning Session: $10.00
6 Sessions: $44.00
12 Session: $71.00
Eye protection: $5.30
Lotions: Available for purchase
*All Prices Subject To Sales Tax